Poems by Keen Evenings



Cat Puke

Roses on the Table

Your World

Jules Julia Julie

I'm Getting my Top Surgery at Claire's, Mom

Romantic fare
Darker fare
Transgender fare

Bite your tongue
For the tea's bitter
But the blood's coming
And it's oh so sweet​
Child's fare
When did this time pass
I do not remember being like this
I'm so big, yet so little
Will shock break me into pieces?

Kiss me hard to show me now
And I will learn true love's vow
Kiss me hard to show me how
Much joy our lives can allow
"When you can see someone’s soul, it means that you recognize who they truly are, despite the ups and downs of their physical or emotional self."

sometimes writing is a witness
memorializing our past experiences
and serving as proof of their existence

but other times writing is expression
not truth but something vaguely like it
we want to rewrite history so we do just that

please keep this in mind when reading
my life could be better, could be worse
nobody knows fact from fiction here